App Builders Switzerland 2016 was an amazing event organized by the SMDA for the developer community and took place on April 25 and 26 at Technopark Zurich. Apps with love supported the organization of this event as Diamond Partner and contributed an event app that helped the organization to interact and communicate with the attendees
The agenda of speakers was amazing considering that this is the first time the event took place. A wide range of presentations for Android, iOS or cross-platform developers and designers were shipped to Switzerland from all over the world. The event was sold out with people joining from places such as Spain, Italy, Ukraine, Romania, France, Germany, Austria, but also from oversees like the US or Argentina. About 200 Attendees from 24 countries! Here's a shortlist of speakers with links to their Twitter profile:
Damian Mehers, Adrian Kosmaczewski, Natasha Murashev, Enrique López Mañas, Anastasiia Voitova. César Valiente, Marin Todorov, Chris Lüscher, Sebastian Vieira, Graham Lee, Alexsander Akers, Etienne Studer, Orta Therox, Daniel H. Steinberg, Vikram Kriplaney, Lorica Claesson, Sally Shepard, JP Simard, Sergi Martinez, Sangsoo Nam, Nicolas Seriot, Andreas Vourkos, John Sundell, Steve Scott, Julien Decot, Tal Heskia, Wei Wu