Maya Walther
Maya Walther
Marketing & Sales, UX-Writing
Highly qualified know-how, pragmatism, efficiency, creativity: she has it all. Fresh texts and new ideas lift our marketing team to the next level.
Tobias Minder
Tobias Minder
Project Management
He has all the elements of successful project management under control: staying power, the right dose of caffeine, responding to the unexpected and skilful steering. No wonder - as an early riser and coffee connoisseur, he has enough time and energy to perfect his skills while diving, mountainbiking or surfing.
Roman Hofer
Roman Hofer
Co-Head of Project Management
Always has a smile on his face and is ready to crack a joke, but when it's serious you can rely on him like no other. When he's not out in the fresh air with his phone to his ear, you're sure to find him on a bike trail.
Valentin Naegeli
Valentin Naegeli
Head of Marketing & Sales
If you want to develop an app with us, Valentin’s the one you’ll get the first info and tips from. He’s more than familiar with the whole app ecosystem and knows if an app is worth it or if investments are going to have to be made first in marketing or a website. We also know him as “The Wolf of Landoltstreet”.
Sara Weibel
Sara Weibel
Co-Head of Project Management
She manages to finish everything that looked at one time like it would never end. Her forebears once worked on the pyramids at Giza, the Chinese wall and the Eiffel tower.
Carra Tillon
Carra Tillon
Web Development
Anyone who learns to love coding after a degree in Mechanical Engineering, knows programming languages from the 1950s, trades Belgian waffles for raclette, likes to tirelessly explain what "Korfball" is and runs marathons, not only has a lot of stamina, but is really bad ass.
Alessandro Pittori
Alessandro Pittori
Web Development
We don't know exactly what Alessandro listens to day in, day out - but his headphones or what he plays on them seem to give him the energy to realise web front-ends of all kinds - as long as he doesn't have to deal too much with PHP, which he doesn't like. He grew up in Basel but now lives in his adopted home of Bern.
Florian Gygax
Florian Gygax
Concept & Design
Our interface expert with a valid sailing permit. If he wasn’t so obsessed with the golden ratio, he’d probably be sailing around the Bermuda Triangle right now. Design projects are in a safe haven here.
Till Könneker
Till Könneker
Creative Direction | Co-Founder
Has a dreaded eagle eye and watches over the quality of our products. Often indulges in his thoughts and forges plans for how Apps with love can reach the next level without losing a life. Loves cats, kids and liquorice.
Daniel Geissbühler
Daniel Geissbühler
Backend Development
Could actually do almost everything that we do with his experience in project management, requirements engineering, consulting and sales. But at h'd rather focus on 0 and 1, .Net and system architecture, exchanges with his colleagues and good teamwork.
Andrea Zeller
Andrea Zeller
Project Management
For someone who has been managing Swiss rail traffic for 10 years, it's a piece of cake to set up projects and then have them run as if on rails. Maybe it's also because she drinks a tea by the liter or always has a box of chocolates at hand that she can't be rattled too quickly.
Michel Utke
Michel Utke
Android Development
If you had to name him after a saying, it would be "the early bird catches the worm". Always the first to arrive at the office, he nonchalantly wears slippers, prefers to hydrate himself with chocolate milk, and if he ever gets tired of developing android (or as he calls it "androidlen"), he has the talent to become the next Paul Laciga.
Res Finger
Res Finger
Concept & Design
With serenity and placidity, he comes up with the wildest ideas. It has to be correct and so easy to use that even the DAU can do it in their sleep. He never misses a beat, ever since that time he fell into the Red Bull barrel.
Adrian Bader
Adrian Bader
Project Management, RE & Agile Coach
The coolest of dudes, can do everything and can do it all simultaneously. His great-grandfather imported projected management from Japan and schooled him in this old tradition. Of course, he knows the movie “Project-Manager Kid” inside out.
Ariani Nui Luh
Ariani Ni Luh
Quality Assurance
Her eye for aesthetics is reflected in her love of succulents and the beautifully arranged lunches she always brings. This eye is of course valuable as a tester, allowing her to spot the slightest irregularity. Although she says she's more of a cat person than a dog person, she not only ensures the quality of our projects, but also teaches Bruno, the office dog, the best tricks.
Rémy Böhler
Rémy Böhler
Head of Web Development
If he wanted to, he could program a website with his little toe while blindfolded... but he doesn’t want to. Our secret weapon when it comes to web development.
Sophia Villiger
Sophia Villiger
Creative Web Development
Web developer with an eye for detail. There is no Javascript framework she can't control and her curiosity for new things keeps us up to date on web trends even before questions arise on Stackoverflow. With 12 years of experience in coffee-drinking, projects with her are completed even faster.
Alain Stulz
Alain Stulz
Technical Lead iOS Development
iOS developers with advanced skills. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Bern in his pocket and the improvement of our office automation always in mind. The ace hidden in our sleeve!
Maximilian Lemberg
Maximilian Lemberg
iOS Development
Maxi is an initiator and creates enthusiasm not only on trial days, but also at team outings, hackathons, thirsty fridays, basketball games - in fact at any kind of event. Thanks to his DJ sets, even at office housewarmings no one sits still and the team stays motivated. Or as he would probably say: hyped.
Blockchain Consultant
blockchain advisor & white hat
Kim Jeker
Kim Jeker
Web Development
He dreams of the wildest backend, frontend, API and CMS concepts and when you ask him if they are feasible, his answer is a simple "yes". No wonder with such a treasure chest of experience!
Raphael Neuenschwander
Raphael Neuenschwander
iOS Development & Solution Architecture
The nicest guy on earth with an accent to die for. If we were childless, we would adopt him. Plus, he’s an absolute professional when it comes to bits & bytes.
Sonia Sanchez
Sonia Sánchez
Head of HR
Finance & Administration
Her smile isn’t just show – she’s friendly and laughs a lot. But don’t try to play her or there’ll be no salary and no sweeties. Her many years of experience makes our lives soooo much easier.
Olivier Oswald
Olivier Oswald
CTO | Co-Founder
His hair is well insured and is testimony to IT experience from the very earliest days of this art. There is no technical challenge that he hasn’t already faced at one time or other. It goes without saying that he has guru status and can generate WLAN through meditation.
Stephan Klaus
Stephan Klaus
CEO | Co-Founder
Maintains the overview when the through-view isn’t possible. Also known as Mr Gadget because he’s on a first name basis with every device imaginable. His expertise is extensive. Ask him anything you want and he’ll know the answer.
Milena Rutz
Milena Rutz
Head of User- and Innovation Research
She uses scientific methods to find the key issues that are all decisive for hit or flop. You’d better listen to her and do exactly what she says: her know-how is worth its weight in gold.
Stefan Spieler
Stefan Spieler
Concept & Design
Design professional in all aspects. Has a beard now but is still up for every sort of goofing around when it comes to design, games, 3D, table tennis, swimming, horse riding or reading. One of the first with us and still one of the nicest.
Marcin Nowak
Marcin Nowak
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineer with Polish roots, an affinity for offensive security and a penchant for Italian cars and muesli. He also is sporty: not only does he cycle on all terrains, he also plays volleyball. The youngster has got to grips with our infra so quickly that he already has earned the nickname "Deploy-Boy".
Samantha Howlett
Samantha Howlett
Backend Development
In her free time, she likes to explore the endless worlds of Guild Wars 2 and enjoy metal concerts. The best prerequisites, therefore, for mastering even the most complex coding challenges in a concentrated, quiet and calm manner during the day. Metal, after all 🤘.
Martin Mattli
Martin Mattli
Head of Operations & Quality Management
In theory, he can take apart airplane turbines and put them together again – during the flight. But that got boring after a while and now he’s our man in charge of technical quality assurance. We’re saved!
Michael Schranz
Michael Schranz
Senior Consultant Strategy & Products
In Michael, superhuman marketing and business know-how are tightly crammed into one person. Two green thumbs and a previous life as a builder make him survivor of the fittest. But careful: he’s not only the master of the art of speed pitching and public speaking but also of the filibuster.
Sarah Deniau
Sarah Deniau
She has a passion for lifting heavy things into the air and knows how to encourage others to perform their best - Crossfit, that is! If you want to be spared during her training sessions, you can try bribing her with dogs or Swedish cinnamon buns - with that you could be successful. When she's not training or actively supporting our sales team, she works as a freelance photographer.
Liv Rolli
Liv Rolli
HR, Finance & Administration
If she weren't as fast as lightning, you could easily pick up one or two multitasking tricks from her. With her experience in various industries, she always keeps her cool and does so with a smile on her face.
Kajetan Som
Kajetan Som
Web Development
He could easily earn his money with Photoshop artwork, but to our delight he also likes to implement web projects. With degrees in computer science and visual communication, he brings the perfect mix of skills to the table. And thanks to the Google Meet background feature, we still get to enjoy his penchant for graphics, typography and whimsical image compositions.
Oliver Brand
Oliver Brand
Chef de cuisine
He cooks for the entire team but communicates only in Business English for Advanced Students. Known in the Bern rap milieu as -32h von LDeeP. In other words, a real OGC (Original Gangsta Chef).
Eduard Zielke
Eduard Zielke
Project Management | Support & Help Desk
Our secret agent par excellence: disguised as a project manager during the day, he spies on customers as a bartender at night while shaking martinis, communicates in every language imaginable, and should things get really tricky, he can always fall back on martial arts. His name is Zielke - Eddy Zielke.
Nick Gerber
Nick Gerber
Concept & Design
He knows every shortcut and every Easteregg, there's not a single software tool that he hasn't already tested and sworn at. The clear winner: Notion. He uses it to work in such a structured way that, in addition to conceptualizing, designing and developing websites, he has time to ask the really important questions in life. For example, who tops the own goal statistics in table soccer.
Andrea Fuhrer
Andrea Fuhrer
Sales & Management Assistance
She easily manages the balancing act between her job, kinesiology training and private life. Perhaps she knows a secret remedy from her time as a chemist. Or maybe it's simply her acrobatics training that makes her juggle challenges so easily.
Naomi Providoli
Naomi Providoli
Content Management
Her multilingualism and background in business, media and communication studies allow her to detect even the smallest gap in the content of our clients. She likes content & cats, curiosity doesn't kill her though, but helps her ask the right questions in her studies and with us.
Corsin Flepp
Corsin Flepp
User- & Innovation Research
The family recipe for the best capuns is closely guarded in the depths of Corsin's complex filing system. He has maintained cable cars and laid floors, skis in all directions and plays drums in a band. Such diverse experiences and interests make him an expert at understanding the needs of users of all kinds. And of course it also helps that he seems to know every psychology encyclopaedia by heart.
Jann Fiedler
Jann Fiedler
iOS Development
As a child, his parents read him lines of code as bedtime stories. His interest in computer science and technology is therefore deeply rooted and what Jann can't do, he teaches himself - simple as that. Not only is a secret pianist hiding under his often-worn cap, but also a legendary haircut that bears witness to his Ber(li)n roots.
Matthias Ossola
Matthias Ossola
Android Development
Techie with extended talents: Not only does he have a past as a .Net developer that now benefits him as an Android dev, but he also is fluent in irony and drops sarcastic remarks while keeping a straight face. In addition, he is a speed learner in table football and teaches the established table footballers in the office the meaning of fear.
Simon Gottstein
Simon Gottstein
Project Management & Lead QA Team
He likes to dive not only into waters of all kinds, but also into the depths of our projects. In addition to being a dive master, he is also a master of good humor, persuasion and coffee & cake breaks. With his broad experience it's all right for him to laugh - whoever implements projects with him is always entertained.
Yannick Pulver
Yannick Pulver
Technical Lead Android Development
Our Android dev with style! He could have been the new face of Dior in Paris but instead he was drawn to the mountains, where he observes the beauty and richness of nature.
Aaron Gisi
Aaron Gisi
Concept & Design
With his structured way of working, he has already brought order to many areas - for example, our jungle of process graphics. After a detour into the world of support, he now utilizes his skills in the area of concept and design and, thanks to his critical questions, brings many improvements to our projects. When he is not supporting, designing, creating or tinkering with new technologies, the multi-talent is volunteering for a good cause.

Partners & Friends A network of partners that perfectly complement our skills.

Since the founding of Apps with love, we highly value good and long-term partnerships. We are not the best at everything ourselves, but thanks to our network we can offer our clients everything from a single source when it comes to digital products. The competences and expertise required for a holistic digital transformation are enormously diverse. That's why we cooperate with specialists from a wide range of fields.

  • Arioli Law

    Legal matters
  • Moqod

    Web & App Development
  • Nexplore

    Project management, requirements engineering & development
  • Noemi Schurtenberger

    SEO / SEA
  • Nulleins

    Branding & Naming
  • Opinov8

    Web & App Development
  • Pixelfarm

  • Rob Lewis

  • Sagiton

    Web & App Development
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