
We know what users want and understand their motives before we set out on cost-intensive development.

Focus on the User

A project without user research is like flying blind in the market. The goal is to systematically identify the behaviour and experience of the user so as to better understand it. This way, we can be sure that the functionality matches user requirements before we develop a product. We continuously integrate user research activities into the individual development phases of an app. With tailored research and innovation methods, we contribute to the design of unique user experiences which draw on the context before, during and after the use of the app. Digital products can be evaluated collaterally by means of usability tests.

Methods for the development of digital services

User Research and innovation along the iRAIV model

Our user research activities can be categorised into four phases that can be integrated simply and scalably into all app development steps such as the kick-off workshop, concept development, requirements engineering or testing.


Depending on which questions are to be answered and in which format the outputs create the most value, selected methods will be used.

  • The RESEARCH phase

    The RESEARCH phase provides (scientific) explanations for the behaviour and experience of the user and can, for example, explain the motives for the use of an application by means of desk or trend research.

  • The ANALYZE phase

    The ANALYZE phase provides findings about the world of the user. Thus, user needs and user requirements for the products, for example, can be deduced by means of interviews, observation and activity analysis in the context of use or data analysis.

  • The IDEATE phase

    Using varied creativity methods and taking various viewpoints into consideration, e.g. in co-creation or online workshops, the IDEATE phase generates new inspiration and ideas for questions regarding the purpose, name or concept of the product.

  • The VALIDATE phase

    The VALIDATE phase can be used to bring in evaluative user feedback in interaction with the test object/product, e.g. in the form of a usability test or a mock-up/concept validation.

The findings and inspiration about the user and the context of use obtained from the four phases serve as the starting position for the design of a holistic user experience (UX) with high usability before, during and after the use of the app and flow directly into the development process.

Milena Rutz
Milena Rutz
Head of User- and Innovation Research
She uses scientific methods to find the key issues that are all decisive for hit or flop. You’d better listen to her and do exactly what she says: her know-how is worth its weight in gold.
Corsin Flepp
Corsin Flepp
User- & Innovation Research
The family recipe for the best capuns is closely guarded in the depths of Corsin's complex filing system. He has maintained cable cars and laid floors, skis in all directions and plays drums in a band. Such diverse experiences and interests make him an expert at understanding the needs of users of all kinds. And of course it also helps that he seems to know every psychology encyclopaedia by heart.
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