Mobile commerce in the Swiss B2B market

2. November 2022 - from Michael Schranz

Mobile commerce (m-commerce) refers to the sale of products and services via the mobile channel. So as soon as I buy a product via my smartphone, this is mobile commerce. While mobile commerce has been an important sales channel in the business-to-consumer (B2C) market for some time now, this form of e-commerce is still somewhat less popular in the business-to-business (B2B) environment.

Carpathia produces the so-called B2B Monitor every year. The whitepaper contains the results of a survey on a specific B2B topic as well as further information on this annual topic. Apps with love was involved as a publication partner this year and was able to contribute its own knowledge of the various types of app, their advantages and disadvantages as well as several B2B mobile commerce use cases.

The survey results allow a number of conclusions to be drawn about the state of B2B mobile commerce in Switzerland. For example, the online survey shows that at least 7 of the 39 Swiss business-to-business companies surveyed already generate more than 20% of their sales via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Graphic survey results mobile share of sales 2021
Results of the question from the B2B Monitor 2022: What was the share of sales in 2021 in relation to total sales generated solely via mobile devices (tablets, smartphones) in %? [n=39]

If you would like to read more interesting insights into the B2B mobile commerce market in Switzerland, exciting case studies from Pestalozzi Haustech, Startfeld and FELFEL, among others, as well as useful mobile know-how, you can download the B2B Monitor 2022 as a PDF here.

Enjoy reading and of course we look forward to feedback and questions from the community. And of course, if you also need a mobile commerce app, whether B2B or B2C, we will of course be at your side with a lot of passion and expertise. 

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