
Waste disposal made easy
Dräggwägg is the digital companion for waste disposal in Basel. The app offers useful information, tips and helpful functions on the topic of recycling - for a clean Basel.
Bau und Verkehrsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt

Step by step redevelopment of an existing app

Apps with love took over the hosting and operation of the existing Dräggwägg app in 2022. The redesign and redevelopment of the app was then tackled step by step.
In a joint workshop we sharpened our common understanding of the project as a basis and discussed ideas for future features. The redeveloped Dräggwägg app then went live in May 2024.

Two people discuss ideas on post-its in front of a whiteboard
Discussion round at the workshop
Impressions from the first joint workshop

When taking over existing software, it is important that we understand exactly what the code quality is like, what the system landscape looks like and what components are being used. The latter is particularly important in order to assess the sustainability of the software and its compatibility for future developments and operating system updates.

That's why we took a close look at the existing app and infrastructure before deciding which technologies should be used in the future. 
To make certain features - such as the newsfeed - easier to implement in the future, we developed a CMS based on Statamic, our "go to" CMS. This gives the Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement more flexibility and autonomy when publishing new content.

A new backend ensures greater stability and fewer support cases

Once we fully understood the initial situation and the code of the existing app, it was clear that the first step in the new development would be to replace the backend. The existing system was unstable and "buggy", which resulted in high operating and support costs. A solution had to be found as quickly as possible to minimise these costs and create a more reliable app for users before we could tackle the new frontend and new features.

Redesign: More than just a new look

Parallel to the new development of the backend, we started the redesign. This included not only a new content structure and a more modern UI, but also new features. In particular, the newsfeed, which was originally intended for the existing app but was never fully implemented, was rethought and realized from scratch.

The app's new design gives the content more space and ensures a better overview and readability. Thanks to the use of icons and specific colors, the app has become tidier and much more appealing. The new placement of content and features and the new navigation concept have made the app scalable, so nothing stands in the way of the integration of new features in the future.

Compared to the old app, there are fewer redirects to the web, enabling a consistent user experience.

Dräggwägg app before and after the redesign
The Dräggwägg app before and after the redesign
Dominik Egli

«With Apps with love, we have a great partner at our side. They understand both our needs and the needs of the target group very well and have helped us to take the Dräggwägg app to a new level and make it sustainable. We particularly appreciate the flexibility and uncomplicated approach that the project team has shown throughout the entire development process.»

Dominik Egli, Head of municipal cleaning

Functions and advantages of the Dräggwägg app

Dräggwägg reminds you of the next waste, paper or green waste collection in time and provides information on all collection dates at the desired location. The app provides information on the correct disposal of different types of waste and helps you find disposal points. Dräggwägg offers Basel residents convenient, efficient access to the city's waste disposal services.

Disposal calendar

Thanks to Dräggwägg, users always have an overview of the next disposal dates for cardboard & paper, household rubbish or green waste collection at their desired location.


Thanks to push notifications, users are reminded of the desired collection dates and never miss waste disposal again.

Manage collections

The collection of green waste, bulky waste and other materials can be registered directly in the app. Collections can also be easily cancelled if necessary.

Dräggwägg home screen with the next waste collection dates
Notifications in the Dräggwägg app
Register collection of waste

Information and knowledge about waste disposal

How do I dispose of cooking oil correctly? What do I do with the Christmas tree? The A-Z with practical search function contains information on the correct disposal of all types of waste.

Map with disposal locations

The integrated map shows all waste disposal points in the region. The locations can be filtered according to specific disposal points.


The latest information on the services of the Basel city cleaning service and updates to the Dräggwägg app.

Map with disposal locations
News in the Dräggwägg app
A-Z Knowledge about waste disposal
Aaron Gisi
Aaron Gisi
Concept & Design
With his structured way of working, he has already brought order to many areas - for example, our jungle of process graphics. After a detour into the world of support, he now utilizes his skills in the area of concept and design and, thanks to his critical questions, brings many improvements to our projects. When he is not supporting, designing, creating or tinkering with new technologies, the multi-talent is volunteering for a good cause.
Andrea Fuhrer
Andrea Fuhrer
She easily manages the balancing act between her job, kinesiology and private life. Perhaps she knows a secret remedy from her time as a chemist. Or maybe it's simply her acrobatics training that makes her juggle challenges so easily.
Daniel Geissbühler
Daniel Geissbühler
Backend Development
Could actually do almost everything that we do with his experience in project management, requirements engineering, consulting and sales. But at h'd rather focus on 0 and 1, .Net and system architecture, exchanges with his colleagues and good teamwork.
Eduard Zielke
Eduard Zielke
Project Management
Our secret agent par excellence: disguised as a project manager during the day, he spies on customers as a bartender at night while shaking martinis, communicates in every language imaginable, and should things get really tricky, he can always fall back on martial arts. His name is Zielke - Eddy Zielke.
Florian Gygax
Florian Gygax
Concept & Design
Our interface expert with a valid sailing permit. If he wasn’t so obsessed with the golden ratio, he’d probably be sailing around the Bermuda Triangle right now. Design projects are in a safe haven here.
Maya Walther
Maya Walther
Marketing & Sales, UX-Writing
Highly qualified know-how, pragmatism, efficiency, creativity: she has it all. Fresh texts and new ideas lift our marketing team to the next level.
Michael Schranz
Michael Schranz
Senior Consultant Strategy & Products
In Michael, superhuman marketing and business know-how are tightly crammed into one person. Two green thumbs and a previous life as a builder make him survivor of the fittest. But careful: he’s not only the master of the art of speed pitching and public speaking but also of the filibuster.
Michel Utke
Michel Utke
Android Development
If you had to name him after a saying, it would be "the early bird catches the worm". Always the first to arrive at the office, he nonchalantly wears slippers, prefers to hydrate himself with chocolate milk, and if he ever gets tired of developing android (or as he calls it "androidlen"), he has the talent to become the next Paul Laciga.
Raphael Neuenschwander
Raphael Neuenschwander
iOS Development & Solution Architecture
The nicest guy on earth with an accent to die for. If we were childless, we would adopt him. Plus, he’s an absolute professional when it comes to bits & bytes.
Rémy Böhler
Rémy Böhler
Head of Web Development
If he wanted to, he could program a website with his little toe while blindfolded... but he doesn’t want to. Our secret weapon when it comes to web development.
Yannick Pulver
Yannick Pulver
Technical Lead Android Development
Our Android dev with style! He could have been the new face of Dior in Paris but instead he was drawn to the mountains, where he observes the beauty and richness of nature.
Alain Stulz
Alain Stulz
Technical Lead iOS Development
iOS developers with advanced skills. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Bern in his pocket and the improvement of our office automation always in mind. The ace hidden in our sleeve!
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