MIA - My Intranet App

Makes work life easier
Swisscom's My Intranet App does justice to the increasingly mobile usage behaviour of employees. With MIA, important news can be pushed to the mobile work devices in a way that is appropriate for the target group. This is particularly important for employees working in shops or in service as they rarely use their laptops.
Swisscom AG
Concept and design, Software development

In addition to being a fast and direct communication channel, MIA is also a helpful tool in the daily work routine, offering a variety of useful functions, such as booking meeting rooms or topping up badges via Twint.

Why a mobile app for the intranet?

This was one of the first questions asked in the initial concept phase. Is there even a need for a native app if the intranet (responsive design) can already be used on the smartphone? 

After more than two years in use, the answer to this question in the context of MIA is clearly "yes". The number and duration of intranet visits have increased considerably since the introduction of MIA. The number of accesses to the intranet via mobile has increased fivefold compared to "pre-MIA" times.

However, it was clear to everyone involved in the project that the native app would only create real added value if, in addition to the existing content and functions of the intranet, additional features that were only available in MIA and that were designed for smartphones specifically were integrated.

The additional possibilities of the native app compared to the web app variant were used accordingly. Examples include personalizable push messages, better UX for login, security functions such as a fire alarm (localized) or SOS function, or the interface with Twint for topping up the credit on the Swisscom employee badge.

MIA Homescreen
MIA Newsfeed
MIA notifications
MIA menue
The 4 main areas of MIA - Home, Newsfeed, Notifications and Menu

The core features of MIA

  • Search colleagues and phone numbers

  • Chatbot to schedule meetings & book rooms or ask for the menu

  • Top up badge with TWINT

  • SOS button to trigger emergency call

  • Expense report

  • Overview of business trips

  • Like & comment on news or posts by colleagues

MIA search for colleagues
MIA: booking a room via chat assistnace
MIA SOS functionality
Top up the badge via Twint
The features of MIA make the everyday work of Swisscom employees easier and safer

There are also other app features, some of which are only made available temporarily for Swisscom events or for a specific internal target group:

  • "Scratch and Win" - scratch card

  • Event function with location plan, agenda & impressions, for example for a management event or the Swisscom Games

  • Level-Up: Personalized learning modules for the continuous development and knowledge enhancement of employees

MIA Scratchcard - scratch & win
Scratchcard win
MIA event feature
MIA - Level up prompt
MIA - Level up Moment
Additional features for internal events & staff development

User-centred approach from the beginning

From the first idea to the continuous improvements of MIA, different stakeholders and especially end-users have been involved in the development process. From surveys to co-creation workshops to usability testing, different user research methods and tools were used. This approach helped the project team to achieve broad acceptance and to tailor the user experience (UX) significantly to the target group. In the course of the development work, more than 350 feedbacks and test results were collected, interpreted and used for the ongoing optimization of existing and new features. 

Matthias Hunzinger

"To make the daily work of all employees smarter and easier with MIA, the close cooperation with Apps with love and their needs-oriented approach was the recipe for success. The "MY" in My Intranet App, was capitalized on."

Matthias Hunzinger, Lead Digital Communication Apps

Tight collaboration in a mixed team of Swisscom and Apps with love 

The backend and security-related parts of the app such as authentication and login are developed, managed and monitored by Swisscom. The frontends are designed and implemented by Apps with love.

Thanks to a very close collaboration in the development team, MIA is an app that meets the needs of Swisscom employees and makes their everyday work easier.

Key Facts:

  • 9,800 monthly active users

  • Mobile access to the intranet is 5x higher than before the development of MIA

  • 4.5 million CHF top-ups of badges via Twint per year

  • 69% of employees surveyed find MIA useful or very useful

Res Finger
Res Finger
Concept & Design
With serenity and placidity, he comes up with the wildest ideas. It has to be correct and so easy to use that even the DAU can do it in their sleep. He never misses a beat, ever since that time he fell into the Red Bull barrel.
Sara Weibel
Sara Weibel
Co-Head of Project Management
She manages to finish everything that looked at one time like it would never end. Her forebears once worked on the pyramids at Giza, the Chinese wall and the Eiffel tower.
Vera Schürch
Vera Schürch
Head of Concept & Design
Her eye for space and form turns every project into a delectable piece of eye candy. She’s a master of that old art that has all but disappeared – drawing by hand with an antiquated piece of equipment, the so-called pencil. This tool is moved over the paper and lines appear... It’s crazy!
Matthias Ossola
Matthias Ossola
Android Development
Techie with extended talents: Not only does he have a past as a .Net developer that now benefits him as an Android dev, but he also is fluent in irony and drops sarcastic remarks while keeping a straight face. In addition, he is a speed learner in table football and teaches the established table footballers in the office the meaning of fear.
Michael Schranz
Michael Schranz
Senior Consultant Strategy & Products
In Michael, superhuman marketing and business know-how are tightly crammed into one person. Two green thumbs and a previous life as a builder make him survivor of the fittest. But careful: he’s not only the master of the art of speed pitching and public speaking but also of the filibuster.
Olivier Oswald
Olivier Oswald
CTO | Co-Founder
His hair is well insured and is testimony to IT experience from the very earliest days of this art. There is no technical challenge that he hasn’t already faced at one time or other. It goes without saying that he has guru status and can generate WLAN through meditation.
Raphael Neuenschwander
Raphael Neuenschwander
iOS Development & Solution Architecture
The nicest guy on earth with an accent to die for. If we were childless, we would adopt him. Plus, he’s an absolute professional when it comes to bits & bytes.
Patrick von Arx
Patrick von Arx
Support & Help Desk
He dared to make the leap across the pond: from client to agency side. He therefore knows exactly how to make customers happy and stays as cool as a cucumber when solving problems. As a compensation, he rides a motorcycle, and despite the lack of evidence, sharp tongues persistently claim that he likes the Ballermann...
Yannick Pulver
Yannick Pulver
Technical Lead Android Development
Our Android dev with style! He could have been the new face of Dior in Paris but instead he was drawn to the mountains, where he observes the beauty and richness of nature.
Web & App Development
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